
Renewal of Driver's License (Commercial & Non-Commercial)

This service is to support the citizens/residents to renew their expired drivers licences in order to drive legally.
Responsible Entity Information

The address of the Directorates of Traffic Police

Office Hours
08:00 AM - 03:00 PM
Erbil Directorate of Traffic Police
150 meter road, opposit to Ganjan City, Erbil.

Koya Directorate of Traffic Police
Soran Directorate of Traffic Police
Derizian Road, near Soran Asphalt Factory, Koya

Duhok Directorate of Traffic Police
Domez near Warveen City, Semel District, Duhok

Suleimaniyah Directorate of Traffic Police
Tasluja, Suleimaniyah

Halabja Directorate of Traffic Police
Goran City, Halabja
Garmian Directorate of Traffic Police
Rizgary street, Kalar City, Garmian

Rapareen Directorate of Traffic Police
Rapareen quarter, Rania City

The requestor must be present.
Must not have been charged with a driving ban.
Iraqi National ID or (Renewed Iraqi Civil Status Card with Iraqi Nationality Certificate) - Original Copies
For foreign nationals, valid Residency Card.
Residence Card (only held by the head of household).
Five (5) personal photographs.
Expired driver's license.
Eyesight examination certificate.
All documents must be original and photocopies must be colour copies.
The application process requires 60 minutes to be completed.
The cost of renewing a driving licence is 40,000 Iraqi Dinars.
Additional 15,000 Iraqi Dinar is charged for every year past due the renewal date.
The requestor visits a specialized medical committee to obtain eye sight examination certificate.
The requestor visits the department of Driving License issuance at one of the Directorates of Traffic Police.
سەردانی ژووری ئەفسەری تۆمار، بە مەبەستی وردبینیکردن لە مامەڵەکە.
سەردانی پەنجەرەی ڕسومات، بە مەبەستی پێدانی بڕی ڕسوماتەکان.
پێشکەشکردنی مامەڵەکە لە پەنجەرەی وەرگرتنی مامەڵە، بە مەبەستی وردبینی کۆتایی.
ژووری وەرگرتنەوەی مۆڵەت، بە مەبەستی وەرگرتنەوەی مۆڵەتە نوێیەکە.
Application Form
پێویستە فۆرمی داواکاری هاوپێچ بکرێت، ئەگەر هەبێت.
Signed by
وەزیری ناوخۆ
بەڕێوەبەری گشتی دیوان
بەڕێوەبەری دڵنیایی جۆری
Certified by
فەرمانگەی هەماهەنگی و بەدواداچوون
Service ID
MOI - 06
Last updated24-04-2024


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