Private Business Bureau Registration

It is a process of registering Private Business Bureaus in the Kurdistan Region for the purpose of job creation and economic development.
Responsible Entity
Responsible Entity Information
پێوستە ناونیشانی سەردانی هاوڵاتی پڕ بکرێتەوە.
The applicant must bring (the Lease Contract or Land Registry) of the office.
Application form for the Trade Name
Personal Identity Card of the applicant.
Information Card of the applicant.
Passport copy and Residency card (for foreigner applicants)
(20) to (50) days
65.000 IQ for (validated) Lease Contract or Property Title of the office.
100.000 IQ for invalidated Lease Contract or Property Title
Completing and signing the Lease Contract
Submitting Trade Name for approval
Paying Trade Name fees.
Receiving Trade Name approval Certification with signature from General Director.
Visiting the General Directorate for signing the final certification.
Application Form
پێویستە فۆرمی داواکاری هاوپێچ بکرێت، ئەگەر هەبێت.
External Services
پێویستە خزمەتە پەیوەندیدارەکان دەستنیشان بکرێن، ئەگەر هەبن.
Signed by
پێویستە ئەم خزمەتە لەلایەن بەڕێزان وەزیر/سەرۆکی دەستە و بەڕێوبەری گشتی دیوان و لیژنەی خزمەت واژوو بکرێت.
Service ID
MOTI - 27
Last updated27-03-2024


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